Dr. Suruchi Puri

Warts And Moles Removal by best dermatologist in delhi

Warts And Moles Removal

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What Are Warts?

Common warts are a contagious skin condition caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) viruses. They usually form on the hands and feet as rough-textured growths that are often cauliflower-shaped. Warts on the feet can cause walking or exercising to be painful, making wart removal necessary.

Wart Removal Options

Dermatologist in Janakpuri most often make the diagnosis of warts with clinical examination, however, a shave biopsy can also be done to confirm the diagnosis. If at-home wart removal treatments aren’t working or warts are becoming a nuisance, the best dermatologist in West Delhi will utilize medical and surgical wart-removal techniques. These may include topical medications, freezing (cryotherapy), and surgical excisions.

What Are Moles?

Moles, also referred to by the medical term nevi, are usually harmless skin growths that can develop on any area of the body. They generally have a uniform black or brown color and can be flat or raised. Whether you think of them as blemishes or beauty spots, they appear on just about everyone’s skin and are caused by pigment-producing skin cells called melanocytes.

Moles often appear in the early stages of a person’s life. They can change slightly as one ages, and new ones can continue to develop. Mole development is believed to be linked to sun exposure and genetics. Patients who find moles unsightly can have cosmetic mole removal. According to the skin specialist in Delhi, flat moles may require different mole removal techniques than raised ones.

Types of Moles

  • Congenital Moles/Birthmarks
  • Common Moles/Acquired Moles
  • Atypical Moles/Dysplastic Nevi

Mole Removal Options

Skin specialist in Janakpuri advises against at-home mole removal techniques. You may inadvertently remove a pre-cancerous or cancerous mole or cause complications in a benign mole. Skin doctor in Delhi will often perform a biopsy of a mole for further evaluation before deciding on mole removal specifics. Dermatopathologists examine the biopsy specimen under the microscope and render a definitive diagnosis.

Mole removal can be accomplished with a shave biopsy or an excisional biopsy. Excisional biopsies require sutures. Mole removal is considered a minor surgical procedure.


Ans. According to the skin specialist in Janakpuri, moles can be removed with radiofrequency, laser or by shave excision depending upon their level of origin. Shave excision is done for epidermal and mixed nevi; while elliptical excision and resuturing is done for intradermal nevi. Warts are usually burnt to their base by radiofrequency ablation.

Ans. Warts and Mole removal is done under local anaesthesia under the guidance of the dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi, and if superficial will not leave a scar. Deeper lesion may leave a thin surgical line.

Ans. According to the skin doctor in Kanpur, the procedure of warts and moles removal usually takes around half an hour.

Ans. Yes, once treated adequately by the best dermatologist in West Delhi, the results are permanent for moles, while warts may recur and may require two or more treatment sessions.

Ans. According to the dermatologist in Janakpuri Delhi, only one session is required for moles, whereas warts may require two or more sittings.

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Meta description: Dr. Suruchi Puri is a renowned skin specialist in Janakpuri, she is an experienced trichologist in Delhi NCR. And for your warts and moles removal treatment you need the best.

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